Who are you?

People say their names when they are asked this question. But does this actually tell us who they are? I’m known as Anonymous Dork. None of you know me in person. Hence the Anonymous part of the name. I’m just a dork behind a screen writing on a blog about nonsense with glimpses of my life.(the next paragraph is a random story I wrote)

“Who are you? I’ve never seen you around and I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen you at school,” she stated, standing up, curious about the boy who had found HER secret place.                   “I’m a lover of tennis, chocolate and dogs and a jock who hates peas…” He replied, winking at her, confusing the puzzled girl further. Then he kissed her cheek and ran off, faster than the wind. She just stood there, blushing furiously and staring love-struck after the mysterious boy.

I hope you liked the story! I’ll write the next part tomorrow hopefully!


Anonymous Dork, over and out

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